Category Archives: Tools

Data Preparation
In my previous post about data visualization I have focused on different ways to present a dataset, however a very important aspect that we always underestimate and do not consider as fundamental is the data preparation one. It is widely […]

Data Visualization
A few months ago (i just realized while typing it’s almost already a year ago) i took an R course to learn how it can help with data visualization, and i have to admit it has been quite useful even […]

Matomo Analytics (On Premise) so far.
My experience with Matomo Analytics is moving forward now and i’ve ditched the Cloud version to test the OnPremise version. Since there are two option i chose to opt for the WordPress version, as i thought it would be much […]

Time to Google for an alternative Analytics? (ITALIAN)
L’uso dei dati di prima parte è un must per fare del buon marketing ma i numerosi cambiamenti previsti in merito all’uso di Google Analytics in Europa hanno scosso profondamente il mondo digital e gli addetti ai lavori (aka marketer). […]

Cookie Apocalypse: will there be an happy ending? (ITALIAN)
Come convivere in uno scenario tecnologico sempre più complesso senza per questo sacrificare il ruolo dei dati nei processi decisionali? Durante il workshop tenuto in occasione di Netcomm Forum Extended 2021, ho risposto a questa domanda con un approfondimento sulle […]

Marketing Automation 2.0 (ITALIAN)
Qui il mio workshop al “WAW – Web Analytics World” su come dare un valore strategico al business aziendale sfruttando i dati.