Category Archives: Travel

Cognitive Bias – Survivorship Bias – Part 2
In Turin there is an ancient church named Santuario della Consolata (its full name is “Chiesa di Santa Maria della Consolazione”), it’s origin dates back to the XVII century. The interior is very rich, with gold inlays everywhere on the […]

Che prodotti Travel ho comprato nel 2022 su Amazon.it
prodotti travel comprati nel 2022 su Amazon

Castells and teamwork
A “castell” is a human tower built traditionally in festivals at many locations within Catalonia. At these festivals, several colles castelleres or teams often succeed in building and dismantling a tower’s structure. On November 16, 2010, castells were declared by […]

Eames Lounge Chair: how it’s made
Eames Lounge Chair Manufacturing in the Vitra Atelier We have visited the Vitra Campus at the end of 2010 while being in Basel for New Year’s evening and it was worth the journey. Really worth it! But now that i’ve found this […]
Madrid and the World Cup
So, just in time to be back from down-under and here i am again, flying to Madrid for a 2 days trip. Happens that Spain have just won the World Cup. Happens that it’s the first time they win the […]

Melbourne: Bicycle Race
I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like When i left the hotel i was going to visit the Tim Burton Exhibition, […]

Melbourne: walking
So i made it to Melbourne. Flight had a slight delay but I’ve made it. I spent the entire saturday walking around (mainly to keep me awake). Walked from 7am until 2pm: Southbank, then back to the Yerra river, then […]
Singapore: 30 seconds layover…
So the delay due the French strike made us land in Singapore with 3 hours delay. The good thing was that due bad weather conditions there was an air traffic conjestion so also my connecting flight was delayed and u […]

Madrid and eBook readers
Here I am… after 2 hours flight and few kids screaming in the seats behind me i’ve finally landed and reached the hotel. Didn’t take any picture yet, mainly because i have been very busy playing with my new toy, […]