40574: LEGO Brand Store
60333: Bathtub Stunt Bike
10312: Jazz Club
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60331: Touring Stunt Bike
Questo set non è al momento disponibile su Amazon.it

40573: Christmas Tree
40566: Ray the Castaway
40565: Santa’s Workshop
40563: Tribute to LEGO House
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40530: Jane Goodall Tribute
40529: Children’s Amusement Park
40524: Sunflowers
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40521: Mini Disney The Haunted Mansion
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40515: Pirates and Treasure VIP Add On Pack
30584: Winter Holiday Train
21337: Table Football
Questo set non è al momento disponibile su Amazon.it

21333: Vincent van Gogh – The Starry Night
10311: Orchid
10309: Succulents
10306: Atari 2600
10297: Boutique Hotel
40648: Money Tree
Questo set non è al momento disponibile su Amazon.it

40646: Daffodils
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Lego powered slinky machine
Examples of correlations that have nothing to do with causation
in this post and this one I described a couple of nice examples of correlation vs. causation cognitive biases. There are litterally hundreds out there that can be added. By doing a little search i came across a few nice […]

Is a KPI good or bad?
How to create your own KPI and live happily ever after. When trying to derive insights from a dataset and defining KPI the causality bias is a common error. Often it goes together with another common error: attributing an insight […]

The butterfly effect
How the Roman Empire influenced US rocket science (and why fact-checking is important!) The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches (143,51 cm). That’s an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Because […]

Cognitive and data biases – the selection bias
When analyzing a dataset sometimes we are working with data that does not represent the reality but it’s the result of a seleciton. This means that the seleciton made before the analysis is already creating a data bias. For example […]

Occam’s razor principle
In one of my previus posts about cognitive biases I mentioned the Occam’s razor principle. When it comes to data insights this is sometimes a very useful principle to keep in mind because data does’nt give insights itself but we […]

Cognitive and data biases: the Confiramtion Bias
“if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything”. Ronald H. Coase, British Economist When working with a big dataset it’s easy to fall into the confirmation bias. We are looking for some insights, and usually what […]

Cognitive Bias – Survivorship Bias – Part 2
In Turin there is an ancient church named Santuario della Consolata (its full name is “Chiesa di Santa Maria della Consolazione”), it’s origin dates back to the XVII century. The interior is very rich, with gold inlays everywhere on the […]

The Causality Bias – The black cars crashes
So after reading the Bananas Diet post we are now familiar with the causality bias concept. Another example of causailty bias i came across a few years ago for the first time is the black car crashes one. Articles like […]

The Causality Bias – The Bananas diet
What does Bananas and Black cars have in common? why correlation does not imply causality?

Cognitive and data biases: Survivorship Bias
What’s a data bias? Why one of the most common one is called “survivor bias”? what’s a romanic bridge? And what does it have to do with WWII allies planes?

Data Preparation
In my previous post about data visualization I have focused on different ways to present a dataset, however a very important aspect that we always underestimate and do not consider as fundamental is the data preparation one. It is widely […]

Data Visualization
A few months ago (i just realized while typing it’s almost already a year ago) i took an R course to learn how it can help with data visualization, and i have to admit it has been quite useful even […]

Tetris (1984)
1984 – I bet everyone has played at least once this game. I personally found it very addictive and i still play it from time to time, tho i preferred the arcade version and the original game boy porting. Here […]

This track was entirly built starting from the acappella voice. Smooth and sweet, with a dreamy reathm.

Autumn Is Here (short version)
It’s August 18th and it has been raining the entire morning and part of the afternoon. And the temperature dropped down to 19 degrees. What an autumn mood i had…

Dark Light
I just found this old track of mine in my “beats skatches” folder and figured out it could be a decent track to work on. Less then 1 hour later, here is the end result. I hope you like it.

Ghouls’n Ghosts (1988)
1988 – Capcom. This was an arcade game i’ve played for a very long time, even today it’s one of my favourite ones to play with MAME. I know the stage1 music by heart, and i decided to remix it […]

Monkey Island – 1990 – Le Chuck’s Theme
1990 – LucasArts. Ron Gilbert’s Point and click adventures have been a huge milestone in videogame industry, in my opinion also thanks to the great soundtrack that contributed to create a real masterpiece. Here is my tribute version to the […]

Outrun (1986) – Magical Sound Shower
1986 – Sega. Among other arcade games, OutRun has been the one where i believe i spent most of my youth pocket money on. I still remember the feeling of inserting the coin(s) and getting to choose the soundtrack as […]

Childhood Sounds
From Pong to Asteroids, from Defender to Gyruss… this track is a mix of all the sounds of my childhood! I hope you enjoy, I had a lot of fun making it!

Happy Rhapsody
This track was an experimental beat to test some Ableton Live 10 features. It turned out to be a very original crescendo track, hence the Rhapsody reference in the title.

Outrun (1986) – Passing Breeze
1986 – Sega Among other arcade games, OutRun has been the one where i believe i spent most of my youth pocket money on. I still remember the feeling of inserting the coin(s) and getting to choose the soundtrack as […]